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your favourite stores.

Find everything you need on Dinpa and buy it with an instalment plan that suits you!

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Better In Bits

Pay in installment

With Dinpa, you can pre-pay in installment for any product you love. Once paid in full, you can pick it up in store or have it delivered to wherever you are

Stronger together !

Group buy

Bring family and friends together and buy products you love as one ! On Dinpa, you can spread payment with other users in equal parts.

Buy now

users can pay for any item in the app instantly.

Pay in installment

sers can pre-pay in instalments for any item in the app.

Group purchase

Each user will contribute equally towards the purchase of an item.

Request for help

user can request from other users to help them with the payment of any item.


Banks will pay the full amount for an item t and the employee will pay back his employer in instalment .

"One wish"

User can create a fund for a personal cause and request contributions.

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